News & Events

Welcome Back!


A warm welcome to a new academic year at Glendower! Alongside many pupils joining us for their first day, we welcomed a new grown-up Glendower girl in the form of our new Headmistress Miss Claire Boyd.

Miss Boyd was delighted to start her day greeting each of the girls at our gate, followed by her first assemblies as Headmistress, where the girls were very excited to learn all about her and her talented paddleboarding dogs.

Miss Boyd said, “After a long countdown from my appointment, today I am excited to be able to officially call myself a Glendower Girl. As I welcomed each of our pupils, returning and new, through the school gates this morning, I could not help but reflect on the many hundreds that have passed through before them. This academic year, Glendower will celebrate the 130th anniversary of its conception by two enterprising Victorian women, Edith Lloyd and Maud Cornwell, who sort to provide girls with an education as thorough as their male counterparts. As I step into my post, I hope to lead the school with same intrepid spirit, encouraging our girls to look to our founders for inspiration. In them, I see reflected the ‘4 Cs’ that have formed the basis of my INSET talks this week – Curiosity, Courage, Compassion and Candour. May these qualities inform our leadership, teaching and learning this year!”