Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our Reception classes offer a wonderful introduction to education here at Glendower, by instilling a love of learning, a desire to explore and a sense of belonging in the girls. The School has qualified for exemption from the learning and development requirements of the 2012 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children aged 3 and over.

Our class numbers are purposefully kept small and each of the two classes has a qualified teacher and a qualified nursery nurse/teaching assistant who work together to deliver a carefully structured Early Years Curriculum:

Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. Subject specialists teach French, PE, ICT, music and drama.

Through the course of the Reception year we strive to create a sense of enthusiasm and wonder through new experiences every day. The girls’ days are filled with a huge range of opportunities to evoke curiosity: from reading and writing; to making models and exploring their local environment. Our girls come into school each day with smiles on their faces and leave at the end of the day full of new ideas and questions!

It is in our Reception classes that the girls begin to develop the vital social skills they will need throughout their time at Glendower and beyond. We place emphasis
on encouraging girls to form friendships, interact with their peers and with adults, whilst remaining their own individual selves. They are also encouraged to organise themselves and work as part of a team.

Little Glendower Nursery
Following on from the launch of our Nursery in September 2022 we are immensely proud of our new glorious purpose-built spacious building with two unique and inspiring classrooms that are the perfect setting for every girl’s first introduction to education.

As growth and nature are at the core of our values – the classrooms reflect a green forest that will inspire the girls to feel free, creative and truly flourish.
The Nursery setting has been carefully designed to help foster and nurture creative thinking and curiosity in each child, and to inspire the class to learn in a fun and safe environment.
Each child is an individual and so we don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ model of learning – instead we practice continuous observation of spontaneous and independent learning; and in doing so we develop personalised learning plans for each child.

At Little Glendower we believe that the relationship between the Nursery teacher and child plays a key role in developing their love of learning. We combine independent and teacher led learning so that the child engages with all areas of the Early Years curriculum in varied ways. Learning broadly spans seven specific areas: Literacy, Maths, Language Development, Understanding of the world, Creative Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development.

Our Nursery Day
Our Nursery Day runs from 08.45 to 14.30 from Monday to Friday.
During our school day the children take part in a huge range of activities including: One-to-one learning with a member of the teaching staff. Independent explorations of activities rooted in the EYFS curriculum. Specialist subjects – Music, French, PE and Dance (taught by our Prep school teachers).

The Great Outdoors
We love that we can bring bursts on nature into our Nursery right here in the heart of London! Learning outdoors surrounded by nature and with natural resources is an experience which yields immense benefits. On our visits to Stanhope Gardens (which is only a few mins walk away) we use the elements of nature to create wonder and spark curiosity.

Our Team
Head Of Early Years and Nursery
“I am an Early Years leader with a tremendous passion for early years teaching. Having worked with this particular age group for close to twenty years I truly believe that a child’s introduction to education has a lasting impact on their lives and their approach to learning that goes well beyond the time spent in Nursery. With my vision, experience and the support of my excellent team, it is my promise to support each child to reach their full potential“.

Here’s what our teachers said when asked “What do you love most about being an Early Years Teacher?”

Reception Class Teacher
“I was drawn to the EYFS because each day is an adventure and the girls are inquisitive and keen to learn. Their smiles each morning light up my day and I believe it’s the small steps that matter the most. It’s a privilege to be part of their future learning and successes.”

Reception Class Teacher
“I absolutely love watching a young child grow and learn the foundations on which all future learning is built. It’s such a proud and exciting moment, for both me and them, when they master a new skill. I can’t not smile when teaching the little ones!”

Nursery Class Teacher
“There is a magic in early years teaching where you never know what the day might bring. A young child’s imagination, inquisitive nature and genuine love of learning is incomparable – they are always ready for the next adventure.”