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Meet the team – Mrs Aneta Gupta


Mrs Aneta Gupta is Head of Pre Prep, managing Years 1 and 2, having spent years as a class teacher. She joined Glendower over 9 years ago, having worked in schools previously. Aneta has loved working at Glendower from the beginning. She joined us as a Reception Class Teacher, and after a few years, she moved to teaching in the Pre Prep department.

As a Head of Pre Prep, Aneta works very closely with Minisha Bist, the Head of Early Years, but also alongside Deputy Headteachers, Laura Rodgers and Kemi Ehilebo and the Assistant Head, Amelia Shore. Aneta is also part of the Safeguarding Team, who meet daily and discuss pastoral care and wellbeing. Aneta comments that working with such a strong team of staff often feels more like genuine friendship, but still maintaining the professionalism to be able to do what matters most for the girls. “Glendower is my second family,” she states, “the whole of the Glendower community! I go to work with a smile on my face, as I feel so supported by everyone. I can be my true self, feeling optimistic.”

Despite not having a class, Aneta deliberately spends time daily with the girls and the team, dropping into the classrooms and listening to readers or taking groups of pupils on off-site visits to a local care home. Aneta also led the Year One’s Christmas Play and now teaches PSHE/RSE lessons in Years 1 and 2. She will also spend some time in Reception, getting to know the pupils in the summer term before they move to the Pre Prep department in September.

One thing that gives Aneta real satisfaction is seeing the pace of progress that the young children can make, watching them develop in their younger years. The decision to move into a leadership role came from a place of wanting to make a real difference to the school, to go beyond running a single classroom and making changes that would support and benefit the whole team.

Aneta wanted to be a teacher because of her own teacher as a child – she had just started her teaching career, so Aneta was a member of her first class. Having very similar names (her teacher was actually called Anita!) solidified the bond somehow, but Aneta remarks that her teacher saw so much good in everyone, she was very positive and inspirational. “I really enjoyed going to school because of her. I used to tell my parents that I’d love to be like her one day: to empower, build confidence in young people, inspire them… and that’s how it all started!”

Aneta completed her MA degree in Pedagogy, Social Care and Education with Teaching Computing Science at University and moved to the UK from her native Poland over 19 years ago. Beginning her teaching role in the UK, Aneta discovered a real joy in being in education and seeing how exciting learning was for the children and rewarding for her as a teacher.

In the upcoming term, Aneta’s role will be heavily focused on supporting the girls with transitions – both those coming up to Pre Prep from the Early Years and those moving into Year 3. Aneta will dedicate time to getting to know each Reception pupil individually, ensuring she understands their unique strengths, challenges, and interests. This personalised approach will enable her to provide tailored support and guidance as they prepare to embark on their Pre Prep journey. Additionally, in Year Two, Aneta will invest efforts in understanding the needs of every pupil before the transition to Year 3. By gaining insights into each child’s academic progress, social dynamics, and emotional wellbeing, Aneta and her dedicated team will lay the foundation for a smooth transition, ensuring that each girl feels seen, heard, and supported throughout their educational journey.


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