News & Events

Summer Term Clubs


We were thrilled to launch our extra-curricular programme for the Summer term last week. The primary aims of our extra-curricular provisions are to offer breadth of choice to all students and allow them to flourish outside of academics. The programme provides students with the opportunities to discover and pursue other interests which they don’t find in the regular classroom. This term we have added new clubs: M:Tech, Gardening Club and the pupil-led “Crochet and Conversation”, further broadening the scope of what is available to the girls.

Clubs and extra-curricular activities promote a positive mindset and help students increase their confidence and focus, whilst decreasing feelings of anxiety. We encourage all students to take part in an extra-curricular club, whether that be inside or out of school. The selection of clubs on offer at Glendower includes Sports, Creativity, Film-making, Chess, Science, School Council, Skills, Music, and many others. We are sure every Glendower girl will find something that captures her imagination and sparks a lifelong passion.

Participation in extracurricular clubs and activities offers children a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond the confines of the traditional curriculum. While the academic syllabus provides essential knowledge and skills, clubs play a pivotal role in nurturing a child’s holistic development. One of the paramount advantages lies in the cultivation of confidence. By engaging in activities outside the classroom environment, children are given the opportunity to explore their interests, hone their talents, and gradually build self-assurance. Whether it’s through drama performances, sports competitions, or science clubs, each experience contributes to a child’s sense of competence and self-belief.

Moreover, clubs serve as invaluable arenas for the development of social skills. Interacting with peers who share similar interests fosters camaraderie and teamwork, essential qualities for success in both personal and professional spheres. Through collaborative projects, discussions, and shared experiences, children learn the art of effective communication, compromise, and leadership, skills that are fundamental for navigating the complexities of social interactions in later life. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, clubs provide a platform for children to forge lasting friendships and develop empathy and understanding towards others.

Participating in a diverse range of clubs also ensures that children receive a well-rounded education that extends beyond academic subjects. Whether it’s learning a musical instrument, exploring the outdoors through scouting, or delving into coding and robotics, clubs expose children to a myriad of experiences and perspectives that enrich their lives and broaden their horizons. These extracurricular pursuits not only stimulate intellectual curiosity but also encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, qualities that are increasingly valued in today’s ever-evolving world.

Furthermore, clubs offer a sanctuary for personal growth and exploration, providing children with a safe space to discover their passions, talents, and aspirations. Whether it’s discovering a hidden talent for painting, uncovering a love for debate, or excelling in sports, clubs empower children to pursue their interests and aspirations with enthusiasm and dedication. This sense of purpose and fulfilment nurtures a positive mindset and resilience in the face of challenges, equipping children with the confidence and determination to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

In essence, extracurricular clubs play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially adept, confident, and passionate about learning. By providing opportunities for personal growth, social interaction, and exploration, clubs lay the foundation for a lifetime of success, fulfilment, and lifelong learning.


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